SOULCANVAS SCRIPT READING OPPORTUNITY APPLY TO ENTER Leave this field blank Name Email Cell Number Location Please include your short bio below List your social media handles (i.e. Instagram: [Insert Handle]) Website, Blog, etc https:// If applicable, please provide a link to your reel below (optional) https:// Project Title Genre Length of Project (in pages) Logline (1-2 sentences summarizing the plot) Synopsis (250 words or less) Format (e.g., screenplay, teleplay) Have you received any previous feedback on this script? (Yes/No) If yes, please provide details: Upload Your Project Choose file Uploading… (0%) Browse A file with this name has already been uploaded. This file type isn’t allowed. This file size is too big. Please upload your headshot/photo Choose file Uploading… (0%) Browse A file with this name has already been uploaded. This file type isn’t allowed. This file size is too big. Delete 0/1 Files uploaded You must have purchased a SoulCanvas Ticket to be able to submit your screenplay* Agreement: I have read and agree to the SoulCanvas Script Reading Opportunity Submission Guidelines. I represent and warrant that I am the sole author and owner of the script submitted. I grant SoulCanvas and Black Film Space the right to read, evaluate, and provide feedback on my script. I understand that my script may be selected for a live table read. I understand that I retain all ownership rights to my script. Please note that incomplete submissions will not be considered. Send